It's a rainy dreary day today. The wind is blow, a mix of snow and rain, low gray clouds and the occasional thunder and lightening combo. All in all... YUCKY DAY! It does not help that I have a huge midterm tomorrow and if I study any more I think my brain will implode upon itself. The material itself is not hard its just the vast quantity that is killer. Memorizing over 40 causes of anemia is not fun! Even with all this negativity ho hum..bah humbug feeling I can't help but look outside my window. The city takes on another life of it's own in the rain. The streets are slick, people with bright colored umbrellas and those rain boots hurrying along my street like flowers running to find the sun. I think the print by
artsharkdesign.etsy.com is a great representation of that feeling. She has beautiful rainy day prints of other popular cities like San Fran and London.

Another reason why I am so happy is that I got great feedback for a custom made family I did. The ones above are those that I sent. It's one thing to be happy doing your work and another thing for someone to appreciate it! That definitely got me perked right up! I'm surprised it got there so fast two days from here to across the U.S. that's crazy. Another thing is I read a post on the forum about a frequent etsy buyer who was appalled by the lack of communication and basically any customer service from many sellers. I think I have the opposite problem as I always ask the customer are they completely satisfied with what they want... I send pictures... I send a message when I've got the payment, I send a message when I ship it and if I see nothing going on I send another message making sure if they got it and if there's anything wrong just tell me! I've worked a lot with retail and interacting, helping and taking questions from the general public so I try to my best to treat everyone the way I want to be treated. I think that's something everyone should do... regardless if you're buying or selling... just as people...
until next time! Be kind to others!
Great customer service is what sets some of the shops apart from the others. Good for you for offering the best service you can possibly give! Thanks for the great post!
good communication helps SO many things in life! good luck on your exam!
The weather is yucky where I'm at now. Congrets on the great feedback!
Great blog! I envy you living in NYC! Off to check out your Etsy shop too.
ooo love your shop!! so much fun!
That's a cute little family you've made there :) It's always so warming and gratifying to hear that your work is appreciated. I also like to treat my customers the way I want to be treated as a customer - it's the law of attraction/karma, whatever you want to call it - it works!
I love looking out at the world on rainy days, it all looks so different. watching the rain is so calming, almost hypnotic :)
I hope your midterm went ok!
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