LiPeony Shop

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mini Cupcakes!

I've been neglecting my little origami shop Meekiyua since I've been really trying hard with my art shop LiPeony. I have a huge bag of long white scrap paper from making my origami that I use to make tiny embellishments for my origami. A light bulb shot in my head I'm sure other people would love to add these tiny details to their own work so I started making some. My first ones are a dozen assorted cupcakes. They're really tiny each one less then half an inch! I don't know whether I should make them into stickers or just leave them as is so people can do whatever they want with them. I have a couple more and I do love making tiny pieces of art!

Until next time... size doesn't matter!


Amanda said...

These are really cute! :)

Kathy said...

Oh my gosh those are so very cute!

Fly The Friendly Skies said...

oh i love them! so cute!!!

Jenn~ said...

they look yummy....:) cute...

365 Letters said...
